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18 January 2012

hi, I'm jamie, nice to meet you :)

So... I don't even know where to start. This is my first time attempting this blogging thing. I've read a few blogs, one of my closest friends has a blog and I read it every time she posts. I've also read a few cooking blogs. So, I'm giving it a try...
I'm going to start off slow, forgive me if it's not up to speed. Now seemed like the perfect time to start writing because my husband is in the field for the next week and I haven't been working that much- plenty of free time :)
I'm going to start off by telling you a little about myself. I am an army wife and very proud of my husband, Ryan. I'll give you the short story of us. We met on a Wednesday, he met my entire family over that weekend, we started dating the next Tuesday, said "I love you" within the first month and five months after we met he was leaving for basic training and AIT at Fort Benning. We had talked about getting married before he left but decided we should wait. He was home for two weeks in December for Christmas Exodus then it was back to the grind at Fort Benning. He graduated February 26, 2010. I only saw him for an accumulated 10 or 12 hours before he was on a plane to Fort Drum, NY. We decided we needed to get married. I flew up to New York and we got married on March 19, 2010; I flew back home to Florida three days later. He deployed in April and I didn't see him until mid January 2011. Those two weeks of R&R were amazing and way too short. Any army wives reading this will know exactly what I'm talking about. He went back to Afghanistan before January was over. I packed up all our stuff all by myself and I moved to New York the day after my birthday. I was settled into our new home, our first home of our own, by the middle of February. Ryan got home the first week in March. We had only seen each other ONE month total out of the last EIGHTEEN and spent our first year of marriage on opposite ends of the earth. It was hard but I'm just happy to have him home!

Anyways, I've always been a fan of cooking... I confess, mostly baking sweet and yummy stuff. But since I am now a wife and don't have anyone to cook FOR me, I have become quite the little Suzie Homemaker, so I've heard anyways :) Before I moved away from my family in Florida I had my dad teach me a thing or two at Sunday night dinners. My dad inspires me in the kitchen, he's a great cook. My mom is too and my grandma... actually my family is full of pretty good cooks. So, I started doing a lot of cooking, cooking things I've never cooked and venturing out of my comfort zone. My husband is always inviting people over for dinner and everyone is always asking for leftovers. Cooking is my escape and how I de-stress. When other people smile because I made something delicious I am truly happy.

My dad and mom, both inspirations to me :)

I hope you all like what I have to blog about, all comments and suggestions welcomed!

I'll post some yumminess later, stay tuned :)

Check out one of my favorite blogs, The Adventures of an Army Wife;

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